Happy Anniversary!

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Anniversary Name

An anniversary is a day that commemorates or celebrates a past event that occurred on the same date of the year as the initial event. For example, the first event is the initial occurrence or, if planned, the inaugural of the event. One year later would be the first anniversary of that event. The word was first used for Catholic feasts to commemorate saints.

Anniversary Greeting Cards


Anniversary 3 Red Roses

Anniversary 40

Anniversary 50

Anniversary 25

bouquet 2727

bouquet flowers 2738

bouquet tulips 2848

bouquet tulips flowers 2849

Flower 2104

Birthday 846

happy Anniversary 0007

happy Anniversary 0008

Happy Anniversary 0013

Happy Anniversary 0014

Happy Anniversary 0027

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary 0015

Greeting Card 001

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Anniversary Celebration and Gifts

Best Gifts

Gift card

Gift Cards 100

Gift Cards

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Gifts Gard





The names of some anniversaries provide guidance for appropriate or traditional gifts for the spouses to give each other; if there is a party these can be brought by the guests or influence the theme or decoration. These gifts vary in different countries, but some years have well-established connections now common to most nations: 5th Wooden, 10th Tin, 15th Crystal, 20th China, 25th Silver, 30th Pearl, 40th Ruby, 50th Gold, 60th Diamond, 75th Platinum. In English speaking countries the first, wooden, gift was cut on the day of celebration and then presented to the wife as a finished article before the next two quarter days had passed.

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